
Showing posts from August, 2004

Walk in the City

After teaching my cell in Starbucks 6750, monday night, I met with my triplets: Carmina and Don. It all started when Carmina and I became twins (inseperable), having the same job, singing in the same music team, ending in the same cell group. We are practically together that when i'm not around, people would ask Carmina where I am and vise versa. Then came Carmina and Don from Singapore, we became quadruplets after music team practices we see to it that we dine out or have some coffee. Since Marvs left us for Boston studies, Don naturally became our triplet. So much for the historical triplet background. We decided to eat at Wendy's Glorietta 4 and appreciate the goodness of God. Don laid down my week diet and exercise plan ( I'm still planning to loose 20 lbs). It was a a special time for the three of us because we've grown in the grace of God and we evaluated how God has been good to us individually and in our circle of friendship (since now it expands to our music te...

Sunday Bowling

The greatest worship I ever had was this sunday. As in the Holy Spirit just came down (at least as far as I think he did). It was smashing. Ptr Ferdie asked our team to sing twice, after he preached and even before we were dismissed. Man oh man, i had a doze of the Holy Ghost and was so filled. About 4 am that morning while I was praying, I already got a word from God that I would receive a miracle that day so I was expectant and the first was the worship time. Next is that Weng, the worship leader saw a vision of Abraham about to offer Isaac yet God prevented him and gave him ram stuck in the thickets instead. She gave that vision to me with an interpretation that "Claire at the point of desperation, God will provide..whatever you are asking Him." And i remembered that yes, i have given up some Isaacs in mylife that week and a couple of months back. Well that's a big statement because that morning I started asking somethings I have never asked ebfore and last week the wo...

Suddenly it's becoming clear

When Ptr. Ferdie spoke last Sunday about the 4 Attributes of God, it suddenly made sense, whatever I'm going through and expect to receive these coming days. God Is Powerful, God is Sovereign, God is Faithful and God is Forever. Meaning I may be waiting on his answers and sometimes I may not see them the way I want them to be because I need to wait. And waiting is just temporary. I should not fear because it will turn out for my good because I love God! --------------- Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose --------------- What a great Sunday! One of those rare times when you get to be with the people you love and freely enjoy God. After going to my friend's dedication party, my friends: Rose, Don, Carmina, and Cher waited for me in Robinson's Place while I attended the party with my old church mates. During the party I realized that I am really called to be where I am right now....

It's A New Day!

It's a beginning of a new season marked with new promises, new hopes, new dreams. Just two months back I can remember well how I'm in the middle of a shaking. I can't even remember what the shaking was all about. -------------------------------- Hebrews 12:27 The words "once more" indicate the removing of what can be shaken--that is, created things--so that what cannot be shaken may remain. -------------------------------- I am amazed that God has blessed me indeed with a lot of things. I am blessed with the strength of a deer that can stand great endurance tests (due to the demands of a call enter jobs). I am blessed with a cell leader Rose that has lavishly showed me love and how to be a woman. I am blessed with Carmina's friendship and loyalty. I am blessed with the love of my mom that I can go home and jump on her bedside and just kiss and hug her after a very tiring day. I am blessed with wonderful mighty brothers who are all man of stature in their own...

The Garden

One month back I suddenly felt the need to interceed. I started praying in a language not known to man but that of the angels. I had this anxious feeling as when something wrong is about to take place. I started praying like there's no tommorow, eyeballs swelled up in tears. Just when I was about to ask God is there anything wrong Lord? why is there so much burden in my heart? He replied.....Read Genesis 2:8. Like an obedient child, clueless but more excited, i opened that passage in my bible which read.......... Genesis 2:8 Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. I was indeed dumbfounded as to what could be the meaning of this because I stopped praying for one person which has captured my fancy for one year and it has been a month since I last prayed for him. I am fully sold out to the fact that God is totally in control of my future spouse and that I don't want to ask for a pearl anymore, no matter how captivating it...


Many times I have been referred to as a lighthouse. Four years back, I met an Australian pastor named Jake Bethlem. He called me from a crowd and told me that he can see that I am full of light (just dunno if he literally saw light rays shining on me). He also prophesied that I am a lighthouse and all my past and my future will be the materials God will use to build me into a lighthouse. During that time, I have been into a relationship and am very much wounded. True enough my name suggests light. Claire means "clarus" in Latin meaning bright, clear famous. I love to explain things and become a light to my friends. And so I know since then that my life is going to be a series of enlightenment for others. Two weeks ago, one of my friends Lance gave me a word about the Lighthouse. He saw a vision of a majestic tower, a lighthouse with four beams of light pointing to the north, south, east and west. The lighthouse I so huge and white like an ivory. It has vines clinging all aro...