Walk in the City
After teaching my cell in Starbucks 6750, monday night, I met with my triplets: Carmina and Don. It all started when Carmina and I became twins (inseperable), having the same job, singing in the same music team, ending in the same cell group. We are practically together that when i'm not around, people would ask Carmina where I am and vise versa. Then came Carmina and Don from Singapore, we became quadruplets after music team practices we see to it that we dine out or have some coffee. Since Marvs left us for Boston studies, Don naturally became our triplet. So much for the historical triplet background. We decided to eat at Wendy's Glorietta 4 and appreciate the goodness of God. Don laid down my week diet and exercise plan ( I'm still planning to loose 20 lbs). It was a a special time for the three of us because we've grown in the grace of God and we evaluated how God has been good to us individually and in our circle of friendship (since now it expands to our music team mateys, we all eat after practice on thursdays: Carmina, Don, Rose, Cher, JR, James, Alex, Jonathan, Weng and I).
All three of us had future plans and we decided to update each other on what to pray for specially as far as our careers are concerned. It was just so sweet and nice to have a brother and a sister so dear. We affirmed our love for each other and just appreciated God's work in our lives
Then we walked all the way to the office (Carmina and I have work at 12 mn). I pity Don for carrying my huge bag with 6 books, he was all sweating when i took hold of the bag (I never realized i was so used to carrying such weight). It was a nice evening, no more cars in the streets but just the gentle breeze and the city lights as we gaze towards the skycrapers of Ayala, we strolled more or less about 10 kilometers.
It was a sweet night....