
Showing posts from August 19, 2004

The Garden

One month back I suddenly felt the need to interceed. I started praying in a language not known to man but that of the angels. I had this anxious feeling as when something wrong is about to take place. I started praying like there's no tommorow, eyeballs swelled up in tears. Just when I was about to ask God is there anything wrong Lord? why is there so much burden in my heart? He replied.....Read Genesis 2:8. Like an obedient child, clueless but more excited, i opened that passage in my bible which read.......... Genesis 2:8 Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. I was indeed dumbfounded as to what could be the meaning of this because I stopped praying for one person which has captured my fancy for one year and it has been a month since I last prayed for him. I am fully sold out to the fact that God is totally in control of my future spouse and that I don't want to ask for a pearl anymore, no matter how captivating it...