Women, this is how precious you are!
Ezekiel 16: 6-14 " 'Then I passed by and saw you kicking about in your blood, and as you lay there in your blood I said to you, "Live!" --> God actually called me out of darkness, from my old dirty life of sin. The sin that so easily entangles when I used to do what I want actually laid me on my own blood. I was dead, lost, unhappy, unsatisfied, wanting. I didn't kill anyone nor committed something too grave but deep inside it's the same; I was living in sin because I was living for myself and not for God. --> As He called me to live! By his word, I was made alive, new; I had a new purpose for living. I know that I am called to live for God, to please him and to delight in him. --> I can say that I was made new, as if I was starting from scratch, like newborn baby, like I'm born again --> In the same way, you husband or whoever is going to pursue you must also add up to you and give you life. He must be someone that will call you out of darkne...