Everything's New
I've been ignoring my blog for a month now because I have more important things to do than bogging. That is dealing with stuff that is pertinent to my spiritual growth and my being complete. I can say now that I am more complete, at least I feel complete. And this is not because I have friends and family who loves me but because I have learned the greatest lesson. My worth is found in him. I know of this fact that my identity, my significance and value lies in God but I was caught up with too many things. Let's just say I am serving the king but I don't know the king or drifting away from the king. I was overwhelmed with the blessings that I delighted in my blessings more than I delighted with the Blessor, at least I recognized it now.I was snatched from my focus that I felt limped when my day is not complete if I didn't do this and that, if I didn't have those stuff, or if I wasn't accepted or received much by this person or that person. It's a foolish thing I know. But don't we all like sheep have gone astray and each of us turned on its own way. God likened us to a sheep because a sheep can die on its own without a shepherd just by lying down on a hot ground, a sheep can burst their own tummy. Likewise, I need God. To be constantly, deeply rooted in the Word. You know how the world can fill you up with seemingly great stuff: friends, gimmicks, partying, malling, chitchat, ministry, opportunities, new friends, and job. In the end they just leave you empty, you feel dry because only God can satisfy.In my search for significance I realized that there are two types of people. People who live in the natural, they respond in the natural, they have valid feelings, emotions which was imposed on them while growing up or dictated by the world they live in. They see and judge things on the physical side and oftentimes they are shaken because the foundation and basis of their actions are based on their five senses. The other person is someone who lives in the spiritual. She sees things in its eternal value. Wastes no time on things that can make her wander from her purpose no matter how good and pleasant the invitation maybe. She pleases no one but only the object of her affection- God.I see people in the same way, either they please God or men. I watched how guys treat women differently, depending on their face value, physical attributes and personality. On the other hand I've seen men who looks intently to a woman's heart and devotion to God and that is what draws them in, in fact either they are married or engaged.I feel like everything is new. God has granted me freshness and newness in the way I see joy. It's like he revealed a new facet of joy. I know that what I see is temporary and what I don't see is eternal and I have learned not to be shaken by how people see me, how they treat me or speak of me. I have learned to be secure and complete in the acceptance God has lavished upon me.People has failed me, friends, family, leaders, loved ones. Let God be true and everyone a liar. A man may claim to have unfailing love, but a faithful man who can find? But God is not like a man. I love that! I can depend and trust in Him
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