Wisdom Keys Part One –Mike Murdock


  1. Never Complain About What You Permit
    - Individual sin create corporate curses (Achan’s sins, Korah)
    - Don’t give an instruction twice- Peter Daniels (Billionaire)
  2. The Problem That Infuriarates You the Most Is the Problem That God Has Assigned You To Solve
    - Anger is a clue to where you belong (i.e Benny Hinn hates sickness)
    - Anger is the birthplace of solutions or the catalyst of change
  3. Those Who Unlock Your Compassion Are Those To Whom You Have Been Assigned
  4. What You Are Willing To Walk way From Determines What God Will Bring To You
    - Change is discomforting but the price of your future is your present
  5. The Secret Of Your Future Is Hidden in Your daily routine
    - Successful men do it daily while unsuccessful men do it occasionally
    - When you choose an obsession, you create a habit
  6. Your Rewards In Life Are determined By The Problems You Solve For Others
    - The problems nearest you is your door to promotion (joseph solved the famine)
  7. When You Want Something You Have Never had, You Have Got To Do something You Have Never Done
    - Nowhere will God ask someone to do what is impossible though it could be difficult
  8. All Men Fall…The Great Ones Get Back Up
  9. Intolerance Of Your Present Creates Your Future
  10. Those Who Cannot Increase You Will Inevitably Decrease You


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